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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool deborphan. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Deborphan is a command line tool in Linux used to find and identify orphaned packages in the system. Orphaned packages refer to packages that were installed as dependencies but are no longer required by any other package. It helps in cleaning up the system by removing these unnecessary packages, thereby freeing up disk space. Deborphan provides a simple and efficient way to locate orphaned packages by scanning the package database. It can be used to generate lists of orphaned packages based on the system's package management system, such as dpkg on Debian-based systems. These lists can then be used to remove the orphaned packages using the package manager. Deborphan can also be used to examine the dependencies of specific packages, giving a clear view of which packages depend on them. It provides an option to recursively search for orphaned libraries as well, ensuring a thorough cleanup. The tool is widely used by system administrators and advanced Linux users to maintain a clean and optimized system.

List of commands for deborphan:

  • deborphan:tldr:41537 deborphan: Display library packages (from the "libs" section of the package repository) which are not required by another package.
    $ deborphan
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  • deborphan:tldr:9443b deborphan: List orphan packages from the "libs" section as well as orphan packages that have a name that looks like a library name.
    $ deborphan --guess-all
    try on your machine
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  • deborphan:tldr:9dbf7 deborphan: Find packages which are only recommended or suggested (but not required) by another package.
    $ deborphan --nice-mode
    try on your machine
    explain this command
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