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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool declare. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "declare" command is used in Unix-like operating systems to define and manipulate variables, functions, and their attributes. It is primarily used to set shell options or declare variables with specific attributes, such as their data type or scope.

Some common uses of the "declare" command include:

  1. Defining variables with attributes: You can use declare to define variables with certain attributes, such as read-only, integer, or array types. This allows for stricter control over variable usage and helps prevent accidental modification or incorrect assignments.

  2. Setting shell options: The declare command can also be used to set and control various options in the shell. For example, you can enable or disable features like strict mode, debugging, or history recording using the "-[option]" syntax.

  3. Displaying variable attributes: By using the "declare -p [variable]" syntax, you can retrieve and display the current attributes and value of a variable. This is useful for debugging purposes or to check if a variable has been declared correctly.

  4. Creating functions with attributes: With the "-f" option, you can create functions and specify their attributes, such as whether they are readonly or exported. This allows for better control and organization of functions within shell scripts.

Overall, the "declare" command provides a flexible way to define, manipulate, and control variables and functions in shell scripts, making it a powerful tool for shell scripting and system administration tasks.

List of commands for declare:

  • declare:tldr:0d41f declare: Declare a string variable with the specified value.
    $ declare ${variable}="${value}"
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  • declare:tldr:999de declare: Declare a readonly string variable with the specified value.
    $ declare -r ${variable}="${value}"
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  • declare:tldr:b3bea declare: Declare an associative array variable with the specified value.
    $ declare -A ${variable}=(${[key_a]=item_a [key_b]=item_b [key_c]=item_c})
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  • declare:tldr:bc39b declare: Declare a global variable within a function with the specified value.
    $ declare -g ${variable}="${value}"
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  • declare:tldr:d329c declare: Declare an integer variable with the specified value.
    $ declare -i ${variable}="${value}"
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  • declare:tldr:f2502 declare: Declare an array variable with the specified value.
    $ declare -a ${variable}=(${item_a item_b item_c})
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