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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool dget. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The dget command line tool is used to download and extract Debian source packages. It is primarily used for obtaining source code from the Debian packaging system.

By providing a URL or a .dsc (Debian source control) file as an argument, dget will fetch the corresponding source package from a package archive and save it to the current directory.

dget performs several tasks such as downloading the source package, verifying its authenticity using the package's digital signature, and finally extracting the source code and related files.

It is a part of the devscripts package, which is a collection of scripts and utilities for Debian developers.

dget works with both HTTP and FTP URLs, enabling users to retrieve packages from various package archives across the internet.

In addition, dget can also operate in parallel mode, allowing concurrent downloads of multiple packages.

The tool is highly customizable and provides options to control various aspects of the download and extraction process.

dget comes with built-in support for verifying digital signatures, ensuring the integrity and authenticity of downloaded packages.

It is widely used by Debian developers and contributors for obtaining source packages for further modification or analysis.

Overall, dget simplifies the process of fetching Debian source packages and is an essential tool for anyone involved in Debian packaging and development.

List of commands for dget:

  • dget:tldr:64076 dget: Download a binary package.
    $ dget ${package_name}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • dget:tldr:d8fd9 dget: Download a package source tarball from its `.dsc` file but don't extract it.
    $ dget -d ${http:--deb-debian-org-debian-pool-main-h-haskell-tldr-haskell-tldr_0-4-0-2-dsc}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview