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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool diff3. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Diff3 is a powerful command line tool used for finding and resolving differences between three files. It is commonly used in version control systems and software development to merge changes made by multiple users to a shared codebase. Diff3 takes three input files as arguments and compares them, producing a merged output file that reflects the differences and conflicts between the files. It analyzes the changes made to each file, comparing the sequences of lines and identifying additions, deletions, and modifications. If there are no conflicts, diff3 automatically merges the changes, preserving the original order of lines from all inputs. In case of conflicts where the same lines are changed independently, diff3 provides markers to indicate the conflicting regions so that they can be resolved manually. With its numerous options, diff3 allows customization of the merge process, including ignoring certain changes or specifying a custom output format. It is efficient in handling large files, as it only requires a small amount of memory to perform the merge. Diff3 is often used in conjunction with other tools to aid in the resolution of conflicts, such as text editors or graphical diff viewers. Overall, diff3 is a valuable tool for managing changes and merging files, providing an essential aid in collaborative software development and version control workflows.

List of commands for diff3:

  • diff3:tldr:3ac84 diff3: Show all changes, outlining conflicts.
    $ diff3 --show-all ${filename1} ${filename2} ${filename3}
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  • diff3:tldr:75081 diff3: Compare files.
    $ diff3 ${filename1} ${filename2} ${filename3}
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