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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool distrobox-rm. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Distrobox-rm is a command line tool designed for Linux systems. It is primarily used for removing Linux distributions or operating systems from a multi-boot setup. The tool allows users to safely delete entire Linux distributions, including their partitions and associated files, without affecting other installed distributions or the main operating system on the system. Distrobox-rm provides a simple and straightforward way to remove unwanted or outdated Linux distributions, freeing up disk space and improving system performance. It automatically detects and lists all the installed Linux distributions, displaying information such as the distribution name, version, and path. Users can select the distribution they want to remove from the list and execute the command to start the removal process. The tool ensures that the removal process is secure and doesn't damage the bootloader or affect other functioning distributions. Distrobox-rm offers options to force the removal of a distribution if it encounters any issues or conflicts during the process. It provides clear and concise progress and error messages, making it user-friendly for both beginners and advanced Linux users. Overall, distrobox-rm simplifies the process of removing Linux distributions, making it efficient and safe for users.

List of commands for distrobox-rm:

  • distrobox-rm:tldr:41f2d distrobox-rm: Remove a distrobox container (Tip: Stop the container before removing it).
    $ distrobox-rm ${container_name}
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  • distrobox-rm:tldr:cf7e0 distrobox-rm: Remove a distrobox container forcefully.
    $ distrobox-rm ${container_name} --force
    try on your machine
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