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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool ditto. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Ditto is a command line tool that is primarily used in macOS and Unix-based systems. It allows users to copy files and directories, similar to the 'cp' command, but with additional features.

With Ditto, users can create duplicate copies of files and directories while preserving metadata and permissions. It supports both local and remote file copying, allowing users to transfer files between different locations.

One of the prominent features of Ditto is its ability to preserve resource forks and extended attributes, making it useful for preserving file integrity. It also supports copying multiple files simultaneously, enhancing efficiency when dealing with large amounts of data.

Ditto provides various options for customizing the copying process, such as verifying the copied files, creating symbolic links, excluding specific file types, and more. It is well-documented and has a user-friendly syntax, making it easy to understand and use.

Overall, Ditto proves to be a powerful and versatile command line tool for file and directory copying purposes on macOS and Unix-based platforms.

List of commands for ditto:

  • ditto:tldr:00dd8 ditto: Print a line to the Terminal window for every file that's being copied.
    $ ditto -V ${path-to-source_directory} ${path-to-destination_directory}
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  • ditto:tldr:4a90e ditto: Copy a given file or directory, while retaining the original file permissions.
    $ ditto -rsrc ${path-to-source_directory} ${path-to-destination_directory}
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  • ditto:tldr:b16c5 ditto: Overwrite contents of destination directory with contents of source directory.
    $ ditto ${path-to-source_directory} ${path-to-destination_directory}
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