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tool overview
On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool dm-tool. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


  1. The dm-tool is a command-line tool used in Linux-based operating systems.
  2. It stands for Display Manager Tool and is mainly used for managing X sessions and display managers.
  3. This tool provides various functionalities to perform tasks related to X sessions and display management.
  4. One of its primary uses is to lock the screen or switch users on an X session.
  5. Users can lock the screen by running the "dm-tool lock" command, which prevents unauthorized access to their session.
  6. The "dm-tool switch-to-user " command allows switching to another user's X session without logging out.
  7. It also provides a "dm-tool list-seats" command to list all available seats and their associated X sessions.
  8. The "dm-tool add-nested-seat" command allows creating nested X sessions within an existing X session.
  9. It supports other commands like "dm-tool show-session " to display information about a specific session and "dm-tool list-users" to list all logged-in users.
  10. The dm-tool is primarily used by system administrators and power users who need to manage display sessions and user switching efficiently.

List of commands for dm-tool:

  • dm-tool:tldr:53b74 dm-tool: Add a dynamic seat from within a running LightDM session.
    $ dm-tool add-seat ${xlocal} ${name}=${value}
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  • dm-tool:tldr:79278 dm-tool: Switch to a specific user, showing an authentication prompt if required.
    $ dm-tool switch-to-user ${username} ${session}
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  • dm-tool:tldr:b4894 dm-tool: Show the greeter while keeping current desktop session open and waiting to be restored upon authentication by logged in user.
    $ dm-tool switch-to-greeter
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  • dm-tool:tldr:c0471 dm-tool: Lock the current session.
    $ dm-tool lock
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tool overview