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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool dpkg-deb. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


dpkg-deb is a command line tool used in Debian and Ubuntu-based systems to manage Debian packages in the .deb format. It is a powerful utility that allows users to perform various operations on these packages.

  1. dpkg-deb is a part of the dpkg package management system, which is the default tool for managing software installations on Debian-based systems.
  2. It is used to create, extract, and manipulate Debian packages in the .deb format.
  3. The tool is mainly used by system administrators and package maintainers to package software applications for distribution.
  4. It can build Debian packages from source code by compiling and installing the software, and then creating a package using the resulting files.
  5. dpkg-deb can also extract the contents of a .deb package, providing access to the files and directories contained within, which can be useful for debugging or inspecting package contents.
  6. It can install or remove packages from the system using the dpkg package management system.
  7. The tool supports options to control various aspects of package creation, such as specifying package metadata (such as package name, version, dependencies, etc.) and configuring package installation scripts.
  8. dpkg-deb can also be used to query information about installed packages, such as package name, version, installed files, and dependencies.
  9. It can compare the contents of two .deb packages to determine differences in files or versions.
  10. dpkg-deb is a versatile and essential tool for package management on Debian-based Linux systems, allowing users to create, extract, install, and manage Debian packages effectively.

List of commands for dpkg-deb:

  • dpkg-deb:tldr:415e4 dpkg-deb: Extract package's contents into a directory.
    $ dpkg-deb --extract ${filename-deb} ${path-to-directory}
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  • dpkg-deb:tldr:43ff9 dpkg-deb: Display information about a package.
    $ dpkg-deb --info ${filename-deb}
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  • dpkg-deb:tldr:8ee31 dpkg-deb: Display the package's name and version on one line.
    $ dpkg-deb --show ${filename-deb}
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  • dpkg-deb:tldr:eafc0 dpkg-deb: List the package's contents.
    $ dpkg-deb --contents ${filename-deb}
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  • dpkg-deb:tldr:f50a1 dpkg-deb: Create a package from a specified directory.
    $ dpkg-deb --build ${path-to-directory}
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