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tool overview
On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool drill. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Drill is a command line tool used for DNS querying and troubleshooting. It is primarily used for querying DNS records, performing DNS lookups, and troubleshooting DNS issues. Drill is commonly used by system administrators and network engineers to resolve DNS-related problems.

Some key features of drill are:

  1. Versatility: Drill supports various types of DNS queries, including standard A and AAAA record queries, PTR reverse lookups, MX record checks, NS record lookups, and more. It also provides support for DNSSEC and EDNS extensions.

  2. Flexible Output: Drill offers multiple output formats, making it easy to analyze and interpret DNS query results. It provides a concise summary of the response, including the response code, DNS server information, and complete answer section.

  3. Advanced Configuration: Drill allows customization of several parameters, such as the DNS server to query, the query type, timeout values, and setting specific query flags. This flexibility enables advanced troubleshooting and testing of DNS configurations.

  4. Batch Mode: Drill supports batch mode operation, allowing multiple queries to be executed sequentially from a file. This can help automate DNS testing and analysis tasks.

  5. Documentation and Examples: Drill provides extensive documentation and includes several examples of usage scenarios. This makes it easier for beginners to get started and understand how to utilize the tool effectively.

Overall, drill is a powerful command line tool that assists in DNS troubleshooting, query testing, and debugging. It can be a valuable asset for anyone working with DNS systems and requires a good understanding of DNS fundamentals.

List of commands for drill:

  • drill:tldr:1603f drill: Show DNSKEY record(s) for a domain name.
    $ drill -s dnskey ${example-com}
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  • drill:tldr:36a8e drill: Perform a reverse DNS lookup on an IP address (PTR record).
    $ drill -x ${8-8-8-8}
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  • drill:tldr:43430 drill: Lookup the IP(s) associated with a hostname (A records).
    $ drill ${example-com}
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  • drill:tldr:488f6 drill: Lookup the mail server(s) associated with a given domain name (MX record).
    $ drill mx ${example-com}
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  • drill:tldr:727a9 drill: Get all types of records for a given domain name.
    $ drill any ${example-com}
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  • drill:tldr:a01d5 drill: Specify an alternate DNS server to query.
    $ drill ${example-com} @${8-8-8-8}
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  • drill:tldr:f84d8 drill: Perform DNSSEC trace from root servers down to a domain name.
    $ drill -TD ${example-com}
    try on your machine
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tool overview