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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool engrampa. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Engrampa is a command line tool that is primarily used for file compression and decompression on Linux systems. It is the default archive manager in the MATE desktop environment. Engrampa supports various file formats for compression, such as gzip, bzip2, tar, zip, and more, making it versatile for different use cases.

With engrampa, you can create compressed archives of files and directories through simple and straightforward commands. It provides options to choose the compression method, archive format, and compression level for optimal results. Additionally, engrampa allows you to extract the contents of compressed archives, providing easy access to the files within.

The tool also supports the creation of self-extracting archives, which are executable files that can be used on systems without engrampa installed. This feature enables you to share archives with others who may not have engrampa on their machines.

Engrampa offers a user-friendly interface for those who prefer working with graphical tools. It integrates with the MATE desktop environment to provide a seamless experience for managing and manipulating compressed files. However, it also retains its usefulness as a command line tool for more advanced and automated tasks.

An important aspect of engrampa is its ability to encrypt and password-protect compressed archives. This ensures that sensitive information remains secure, and unauthorized users cannot access the contents of the archive without the correct passphrase.

Furthermore, engrampa supports the extraction of multiple archives simultaneously, saving time and effort when dealing with large quantities of compressed files. It also offers the option to view the contents of an archive before extracting, allowing you to verify the included files before proceeding.

Overall, engrampa is a versatile and efficient command line tool for compressing and decompressing files. Whether you prefer a graphical interface or command line interaction, engrampa provides the necessary features to handle various archive formats and encryption requirements.

List of commands for engrampa:

  • engrampa:tldr:12f6d engrampa: Start engrampa.
    $ engrampa
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  • engrampa:tldr:17179 engrampa: Extract files and/or directories from archives to a specific path.
    $ engrampa --extract-to=${path-to-directory} ${path-to-archive1-tar path-to-archive2-tar ---}
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  • engrampa:tldr:542ef engrampa: Open specific archives.
    $ engrampa ${path-to-archive1-tar path-to-archive2-tar ---}
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  • engrampa:tldr:54349 engrampa: Archive specific files and/or directories recursively.
    $ engrampa --add-to=${path-to-compressed-tar} ${filename_or_directory1 filename_or_directory2 ---}
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