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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool erlc. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The erlc command line tool is a compiler for the Erlang programming language. Erlang is a concurrent, functional programming language designed for building robust and scalable systems.

erlc is responsible for compiling Erlang source code files (.erl files) into bytecode format (.beam files) that can be executed by the Erlang Virtual Machine (BEAM). It checks the syntax and semantics of the source files, and if everything is correct, it generates the corresponding bytecode.

The erlc tool offers several options to configure the compilation process, including specifying output directory, including search paths for dependencies, enabling optimizations, and controlling the level of debugging information included in the compiled code.

Usage Example:

erlc myfile.erl

This command will compile myfile.erl and generate myfile.beam in the same directory.

Overall, erlc is a fundamental tool in the Erlang ecosystem, allowing developers to compile their code and prepare it for execution in the Erlang runtime environment.

List of commands for erlc:

  • erl:tldr:c25f1 erl: Compile and run sequential Erlang program as a common script and then exit.
    $ erlc ${files} && erl -noshell '${mymodule:myfunction(arguments)}, init:stop().'
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