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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool eventcreate. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool "eventcreate" is a built-in Windows utility that allows users to create custom event log entries. It is specifically designed to generate custom events in the Windows Event Viewer. By using this tool, administrators or advanced users can easily write events to any specified event log on the local or remote computer.

One of the main uses of eventcreate is for troubleshooting purposes. It allows users to create custom events to log specific information about system errors, warnings, or other important events. This can help in identifying and diagnosing problems within the system.

Eventcreate requires administrative privileges to run, so it is primarily used by system administrators or advanced users who have the necessary permissions. The tool provides various options to set event details, such as specifying the source, ID, message, and log file for the event being created.

Users can choose the severity level of the event, allowing them to differentiate between information, success audits, failures audits, warnings, and errors. Eventcreate is a handy tool for scripting or automating event log creations and can be integrated into batch files or scripts for specific tasks.

Overall, eventcreate is a versatile command line tool that enables users to generate custom event log entries, providing a flexible and efficient way to track and troubleshoot system events and errors.

List of commands for eventcreate:

  • eventcreate:tldr:101fb eventcreate: Create an event in a remote machine's event log.
    $ eventcreate /s ${hostname} /u ${username} /p ${password} /t ${type} /id ${id} /d "${message}"
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  • eventcreate:tldr:1a724 eventcreate: Create an event with a specific source.
    $ eventcreate /so ${source_name} /t ${type} /id ${id} /d "${message}"
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  • eventcreate:tldr:20b5b eventcreate: Create an event in a specific event log.
    $ eventcreate /l ${log_name} /t ${type} /id ${id} /d "${message}"
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  • eventcreate:tldr:6c929 eventcreate: Create a new event with a given ID (1-1000) in the log.
    $ eventcreate /t ${select} /id ${id} /d "${message}"
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