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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool fakedata. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool "fakedata" is a tool used for generating fake or simulated data in various formats. It is designed to help developers, programmers, and data analysts quickly create sample data for testing, prototyping, or any other scenario where simulated data is needed.

Some key features of the fakedata tool may include:

  1. Data Variety: Fakedata can generate data in a wide range of formats such as names, addresses, emails, phone numbers, dates, and more. It can also create random text or numbers based on specific patterns or rules.

  2. Customization: Users can often customize the generated data by specifying parameters such as data length, format, and even specific patterns for more controlled randomness. This enables users to meet specific requirements or test scenarios.

  3. Easy Integration: Fakedata can typically be integrated into various programming languages or development environments through a command line interface or API. This allows developers to seamlessly incorporate it into their workflows or automation scripts.

  4. Efficiency: The tool is usually designed to generate large amounts of data quickly and efficiently. This facilitates the creation of substantial datasets for performance testing, data analysis, or to populate databases.

  5. Realistic Data: Fakedata aims to generate data that closely resembles real-world data, which can be beneficial for testing applications and systems under realistic conditions.

While the specific features and capabilities of the "fakedata" command line tool may vary depending on the implementation, its primary purpose is to simplify the generation of simulated data, saving time and effort for developers and analysts.

List of commands for fakedata:

  • fakedata:tldr:6c1ee fakedata: Generate data using one or more generators.
    $ fakedata ${generator1} ${generator2}
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  • fakedata:tldr:bb33c fakedata: Generate data with a specific output format.
    $ fakedata --format ${select} ${generator}
    try on your machine
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  • fakedata:tldr:bc86f fakedata: List all valid generators.
    $ fakedata --generators
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  • fakedata:tldr:f7402 fakedata: Generate a given number of data items (defaults to 10).
    $ fakedata --limit ${n} ${generator}
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tool overview