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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool fastlane. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Fastlane is a popular command line tool for automating the build, deployment, and release process of iOS and Android applications. It provides a set of commands and pre-defined actions that can be utilized to streamline the development workflow.

Here are some key features of Fastlane:

  1. Build Automation: Fastlane simplifies the process of building your app by providing a unified interface to build configurations, signing, and packaging. It integrates with popular build tools like Xcode and Gradle.

  2. Continuous Integration: Fastlane allows easy integration with CI/CD platforms, enabling automatic building, testing, and deployment of your app. It supports various CI systems such as Jenkins, Travis CI, and Bitrise.

  3. Deployment Management: With Fastlane, you can automate app deployments to different app stores, beta testing platforms, or even your own servers. It supports major app stores like Apple App Store, Google Play Store, and Microsoft Store, and also external services like TestFlight and HockeyApp.

  4. Automated Screenshots and App Store Metadata: Fastlane provides actions to automate the process of capturing screenshots, generating app store metadata, managing localized descriptions and app previews, making it easier to manage app store submissions.

  5. Code Signing: Managing code signing certificates and provisioning profiles can be a complex task, especially while working on a team project. Fastlane simplifies this process by handling code signing automatically, ensuring a smooth build and distribution process.

  6. Customization and Extensibility: Fastlane is highly customizable and allows the creation of custom scripts, actions, and plugins to suit specific project requirements. It provides a large community-driven collection of plugins, which can be easily integrated into the workflow.

Fastlane aims to save developers' time and reduce the chances of human errors by automating repetitive tasks associated with app development, testing, and deployment. It has gained popularity among mobile developers due to its efficiency, simplicity, and extensive community support.

List of commands for fastlane:

  • fastlane:tldr:139ef fastlane: Delete the derived data from Xcode.
    $ fastlane run clear_derived_data
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  • fastlane:tldr:3d9ab fastlane: Run `pod install` for the project in the current directory.
    $ fastlane run cocoapods
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  • fastlane:tldr:59f65 fastlane: Build and sign the iOS application in the current directory.
    $ fastlane run build_app
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  • fastlane:tldr:e8260 fastlane: Remove the cache for pods.
    $ fastlane run clean_cocoapods_cache
    try on your machine
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