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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool fdisk. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Fdisk is a popular command line tool used for disk partitioning in Linux and Unix systems. It allows users to create, delete, and manipulate disk partitions on their hard drives.

  1. Fdisk provides a straightforward interface for managing disk partitions through simple command line instructions.
  2. It can be used to view the existing partitions on a drive, their sizes, and the type of file system used.
  3. Creating a new partition is possible with fdisk by specifying the desired size, starting point, and partition type.
  4. Fdisk is also capable of deleting existing partitions, either individually or all at once.
  5. Users can modify partition settings like changing the size, partition type, or starting point using fdisk.
  6. A disk can be marked as bootable or set as active using fdisk, enabling it to be used for booting the operating system.
  7. Fdisk supports various types of partition tables, including MBR (Master Boot Record) and GPT (GUID Partition Table).
  8. It allows users to toggle the bootable flag of a partition, which determines the partition that is used for booting the system.
  9. Fdisk is a powerful tool for managing disk partitions, but requires administrative privileges (root access) to make any changes.
  10. It is important to use fdisk with caution, as improper use or manipulation of partitions can result in data loss or system instability.

List of commands for fdisk:

tool overview