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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool fdp. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Fdp is a command-line tool that stands for "Force-Directed Placement". It is a part of the Graphviz suite, which is a collection of open-source graph visualization software. Fdp is specifically designed for drawing undirected graphs using a force-directed algorithm.

The force-directed algorithm used by fdp simulates physical forces between nodes to determine their positions in the drawing. It places nodes initially at random positions and then calculates the forces acting on them based on attractive forces between connected nodes and repulsive forces between all pairs of nodes. It iteratively adjusts the positions of nodes until the forces reach equilibrium and a stable layout is achieved.

Fdp supports various input file formats like DOT (Graphviz's plain text format) and GML (Graph Modeling Language). It can handle large graphs with potentially thousands of nodes and edges, providing a visually pleasing layout that aims to minimize edge crossings and maximize overall readability.

In addition to the default layout options, fdp allows users to tweak node positions and sizes, edge routing, aspect ratio, and other attributes through command-line arguments or configuration files. The output of fdp can be saved in formats such as PNG, SVG, or PostScript, making it easy to generate high-quality graph visualizations for various applications.

Overall, fdp is a robust and versatile command-line tool for producing clear and aesthetically pleasing force-directed graph layouts.

List of commands for fdp:

  • fdp:tldr:62750 fdp: Display help.
    $ fdp -?
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    explain this command
  • fdp:tldr:ba8ee fdp: Render a `svg` image with the specified output filename (lowercase -o).
    $ fdp -T svg -o ${path-to-image-svg} ${path-to-input-gv}
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  • fdp:tldr:cfd04 fdp: Render a `png` image with a filename based on the input filename and output format (uppercase -O).
    $ fdp -T png -O ${path-to-input-gv}
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  • fdp:tldr:f058b fdp: Render the output in a specific format.
    $ fdp -T ${select} -O ${path-to-input-gv}
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tool overview