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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool fdroidcl. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


fdroidcl is a command line tool for managing apps in the F-Droid app repository. F-Droid is an open-source software platform that provides a catalog of free and open-source Android apps.

With fdroidcl, you can search, install, update, and remove apps directly from the command line interface. It allows for easy automation and scripting of app management tasks, making it particularly useful for advanced users, developers, or system administrators.

Some key features of fdroidcl include:

  1. Searching and listing apps: You can search for apps based on keywords, view information about them, and see the available versions.

  2. Installing and updating apps: You can install apps from the F-Droid repository and update them to their latest versions, all from the command line.

  3. Managing app repositories: fdroidcl lets you add or remove app repositories, which are collections of apps hosted by different organizations or individuals.

  4. Downloading app files: You can download the APK files of apps directly from the command line using fdroidcl.

  5. Scripting and automation: fdroidcl provides a command line interface that can be easily integrated with other scripts and tools, allowing for efficient app management workflows.

Overall, fdroidcl provides a convenient way to interact with the F-Droid app repository and gives you more control over the apps installed on your Android device.

List of commands for fdroidcl:

tool overview