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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool feedreader. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Feedreader is a command line tool that allows users to access and read RSS feeds on their computer. It provides a simple and efficient way to stay updated with the latest content from various sources.

With Feedreader, users can add multiple feeds and organize them into different categories to easily manage their reading preferences. It supports popular feed formats such as RSS and Atom, enabling users to subscribe to blogs, news websites, podcasts, and other content channels.

The tool provides a command line interface, which makes it easily accessible and suitable for users who prefer working with the command line instead of a graphical user interface. It allows users to navigate through feeds, view summaries, and open full articles in their default web browser.

Feedreader also supports basic functionalities like marking articles as read, searching for specific articles, and exporting feeds to OPML format for easy transfer to other feed readers. It provides a clean and minimalistic interface, focusing on content consumption rather than distracting elements.

The tool can be customized with various settings such as setting a default browser, specifying a refresh interval for fetching new articles, and defining the number of articles to show per feed. It is written in Python and can be easily installed through package managers like pip.

Feedreader is an open-source project, which means it is constantly maintained and improved by a community of developers. It is compatible with multiple operating systems including Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it accessible to a wide range of users. Overall, Feedreader offers a convenient and efficient way to stay up-to-date with news and blogs using a command line interface.

List of commands for feedreader:

  • feedreader:tldr:1feeb feedreader: Add a URL for a feed to follow.
    $ feedreader --addFeed=${feed_url}
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  • feedreader:tldr:74944 feedreader: Grab a specific article using its URL.
    $ feedreader --grabArticle=${article_url}
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  • feedreader:tldr:8bd1f feedreader: Play media from a URL.
    $ feedreader --playMedia=${article_url}
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  • feedreader:tldr:f0074 feedreader: Print the count of unread articles.
    $ feedreader --unreadCount
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  • feedreader:tldr:ffe96 feedreader: Download all images from a specific article.
    $ feedreader --url=${feed_url} --grabImages=${article_path}
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