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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool ffe. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The ffe command line tool, also known as "Fast File Encryptor," is a powerful and efficient tool used for encrypting and decrypting files on Unix-like operating systems. It utilizes the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm to ensure secure and robust encryption.

Key features of ffe include:

  1. High-speed encryption: ffe is designed to encrypt and decrypt files quickly, enabling efficient processing of large files.

  2. Versatility: The tool supports various encryption modes, such as ECB (Electronic Codebook), CBC (Cipher Block Chaining), CFB (Cipher Feedback), and OFB (Output Feedback). This allows users to choose the encryption mode that best suits their requirements.

  3. Password-based encryption: ffe encrypts and decrypts files using a user-defined password. This eliminates the need for managing and storing complex cryptographic keys separately.

  4. Compatibility: ffe is compatible with different Unix-like operating systems, including Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, and macOS. This provides flexibility and ease of use across multiple platforms.

  5. Command line interface: The tool is entirely command-driven, allowing users to efficiently integrate it into automated scripts and batch processes.

Overall, ffe offers a simple yet powerful solution for file encryption, ensuring data confidentiality and security.

List of commands for ffe:

  • ffe:help ffe: Display help.
    $ ffe --help
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  • ffe:tldr:44d4e ffe: Convert an input file to an output file in a new format.
    $ ffe --output=${path-to-output} -c ${path-to-config-ffe} ${path-to-input}
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  • ffe:tldr:4af76 ffe: Select input structure and print format from definitions in `~/.fferc` config file.
    $ ffe --structure=${structure} --print=${format} ${path-to-input}
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  • ffe:tldr:58c99 ffe: Write only the selected fields.
    $ ffe --field-list="${FirstName,LastName,Age}" -c ${path-to-config-ffe} ${path-to-input}
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  • ffe:tldr:5f891 ffe: Write only the records that match an expression.
    $ ffe -e "${LastName=Smith}" -c ${path-to-config-ffe} ${path-to-input}
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  • ffe:tldr:dcf83 ffe: Display all input data using the specified data configuration.
    $ ffe --configuration=${path-to-config-ffe} ${path-to-input}
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tool overview