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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool findfs. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Findfs is a command line tool used in Linux systems to locate and retrieve information about a specific filesystem. It is typically used to find the filesystem label or UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) of a given device or partition.

The primary purpose of findfs is to assist in the mounting process, as the label or UUID is often utilized to mount the correct filesystem at boot time. Using findfs eliminates the need to manually search for and specify the correct device or partition for mounting.

When invoked with the appropriate options, findfs scans the system's partition table and filesystem superblocks to identify the desired filesystem. It can locate both mounted and unmounted filesystems.

Aside from locating the filesystem label or UUID, findfs can also provide information about the filesystem type, block size, and mount options associated with a given device or partition.

Findfs supports various options that enable users to customize the search criteria, such as searching by label, UUID, filesystem type, device, or path.

It can be particularly useful in situations where the device or partition names change, or when dealing with removable media, as it ensures the correct filesystem is always mounted.

The output of findfs is typically used as input for other commands or scripts that rely on the correct filesystem information.

Findfs is included in the util-linux package, which is a standard package in most Linux distributions.

Overall, findfs simplifies the process of locating and retrieving filesystem information, making it an essential tool for managing and mounting filesystems in Linux systems.

List of commands for findfs:

  • findfs:tldr:27d55 findfs: Search by partition UUID (GPT partition table only).
    $ findfs PARTUUID=${partition_uuid}
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  • findfs:tldr:51679 findfs: Search by filesystem UUID.
    $ findfs UUID=${uuid}
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  • findfs:tldr:7a27a findfs: Search block devices by filesystem label.
    $ findfs LABEL=${label}
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  • findfs:tldr:9b208 findfs: Search by partition label (GPT or MAC partition table).
    $ findfs PARTLABEL=${partition_label}
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tool overview