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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool findstr. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Findstr is a command line tool available in Windows operating systems that allows users to search for specific strings within text files. It provides an efficient way to find text patterns or specific data within a file or a set of files. Using findstr, users can search for fixed strings, regular expressions, and more complex search patterns. It supports options such as case-sensitive or case-insensitive searches, exact matches, whole word searches, and searching within subdirectories. Findstr has multiple uses, including searching for specific keywords in log files, filtering output from other commands, or locating specific code snippets within a directory of source files. It also provides options to limit search results to specific file types or exclude specific directories. Findstr outputs the matching lines of text, along with the filename and line number, making it easier for users to analyze and locate relevant information.

List of commands for findstr:

  • findstr:tldr:1da09 findstr: Find a literal string (containing spaces) in all text files.
    $ findstr /c:"${query}" *.txt
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  • findstr:tldr:29b84 findstr: Find space-separated string(s) in all files.
    $ findstr "${query}" *
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  • findstr:tldr:2c8fb findstr: Display the line number before each matching line.
    $ findstr /n "${query}" *
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  • findstr:tldr:4cbb3 findstr: Find space-separated string(s) in all files recur[s]ively.
    $ findstr /s "${query}" *
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  • findstr:tldr:719e5 findstr: Find strings using a case-insensitive search.
    $ findstr /i "${query}" *"
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  • findstr:tldr:81389 findstr: Display only the filenames that contain a match.
    $ findstr /m "${query}" *
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  • findstr:tldr:afa39 findstr: Find strings in all files using regular expressions.
    $ findstr /r "${expression}" *
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