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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool firecfg. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Firecfg is a command line tool used to manage firewall configurations in Linux systems. Developed primarily for Ubuntu-based distributions, it provides an easy-to-use interface for configuring firewall rules.

With firecfg, users can easily enable or disable firewall features and manage rulesets effortlessly. It utilizes the Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW) backend, making it compatible with UFW syntax and rules.

The tool offers a wide range of functionalities, including opening or closing specific ports, allowing or blocking certain IP addresses, and enabling or disabling services. It allows users to configure inbound and outbound rules, ensuring granular control over network traffic.

Firecfg also supports the creation of rule policies for different network profiles, such as home, work, or public. Users can easily switch between profiles to adjust firewall settings based on their current environment.

In addition to managing firewall rules, firecfg provides informative feedback by displaying the current status of the firewall, active rules, and network statistics. It simplifies the process of monitoring and maintaining firewall configurations.

The tool is designed to be user-friendly, providing a simple and intuitive interface for both novice and experienced users. It abstracts the complex syntax of firewall rules, making it accessible to those without extensive knowledge of firewalls and networking.

Firecfg aims to be a secure solution by incorporating authentication mechanisms. It prevents unauthorized access to firewall configurations and ensures only privileged users can make changes.

It supports various log output formats, allowing users to choose their preferred logging style. Firecfg can also be integrated with existing log analysis tools to enhance network security monitoring.

The tool is actively maintained and regularly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest Ubuntu releases and security standards. Users can expect ongoing support and improvements from the development team.

Overall, firecfg simplifies firewall management, providing a convenient and efficient way to configure and monitor firewall settings in Linux systems.

List of commands for firecfg:

  • firejail:tldr:a4fcb firejail: Integrate firejail with your desktop environment.
    $ sudo firecfg
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview