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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool flatpak-builder. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Flatpak-builder is a command line tool used for building application bundles using the Flatpak framework. It provides a streamlined workflow for building, packaging, and distributing desktop applications across different Linux distributions.

  1. The tool allows developers to create Flatpak applications by defining a manifest file that specifies the application's dependencies, sources, and build instructions.

  2. It supports multiple build systems such as Autotools, CMake, Meson, and more, making it compatible with a wide range of application projects.

  3. Developers can easily specify the required software dependencies and libraries in the manifest file, ensuring that the application runs consistently on different Linux distributions.

  4. Flatpak-builder utilizes sandboxing mechanisms provided by Flatpak to isolate the build process, enhancing the security and reliability of the resulting application bundles.

  5. It supports incremental builds, allowing developers to rebuild only the modified parts of an application, reducing build times and increasing productivity.

  6. The tool automatically fetches source code and dependencies defined in the manifest file, simplifying the setup and build process.

  7. Flatpak-builder integrates well with version control systems (e.g., Git), enabling developers to easily manage and build projects from source repositories.

  8. It provides features for parallel builds, enabling faster build times by utilizing multiple CPU cores.

  9. Flatpak-builder supports a variety of output formats, allowing developers to generate application bundles in different container formats, including both runtime and standalone bundles.

  10. The tool is well-documented and actively maintained, with regular updates and improvements ensuring compatibility with the latest Flatpak releases and best practices.

List of commands for flatpak-builder:

  • flatpak-builder:tldr:1f6ca flatpak-builder: Build a Flatpak and install it locally.
    $ flatpak-builder --install ${path-to-build_directory} ${path-to-manifest}
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  • flatpak-builder:tldr:206d6 flatpak-builder: Build and sign a Flatpak and export it to the specified repository.
    $ flatpak-builder --gpg-sign=${key_id} --repo=${repository_name} ${path-to-manifest}
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  • flatpak-builder:tldr:353c6 flatpak-builder: Build a Flatpak and export it to a new repository.
    $ flatpak-builder ${path-to-build_directory} ${path-to-manifest}
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  • flatpak-builder:tldr:5a1a4 flatpak-builder: Build a Flatpak and export it to the specified repository.
    $ flatpak-builder --repo=${repository_name} ${path-to-build_directory} ${path-to-manifest}
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  • flatpak-builder:tldr:c2644 flatpak-builder: Run a shell inside of an application sandbox without installing it.
    $ flatpak-builder --run ${path-to-build_directory} ${path-to-manifest} ${sh}
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tool overview