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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool flex. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Flex is a command line tool and a popular lexical analyzer generation program. It is used to generate programs that recognize lexical patterns in text.

Flex uses a syntax similar to C programming language to specify the rules for pattern matching. Each rule consists of a regular expression and an associated action.

Flex reads the input text file and matches the patterns defined in the rules. When a pattern is recognized, the associated action is executed, which can include printing, saving, or performing custom operations on the matched text.

The generated Flex programs are highly efficient and fast. They use deterministic finite automata (DFA) to recognize patterns, which allows for quick parsing of large files.

Flex is often used in conjunction with the Bison parser generator to create complete language compilers or interpreters.

It supports powerful features like regular expression macros, start condition rules, and user-defined data types, making it flexible and adaptable to various use cases.

Flex is available on multiple platforms, including UNIX, Linux, and Windows.

It provides detailed error reporting and debugging capabilities, which aid in the development and troubleshooting process.

The generated lexical analyzers can be incorporated into larger software projects, providing the necessary parsing and tokenization capabilities.

Overall, Flex is a versatile and efficient command line tool that simplifies the process of pattern recognition and lexical analysis in text processing applications.

List of commands for flex:

  • flex:tldr:3e558 flex: Generate an analyzer from a flex file.
    $ flex ${analyzer-l}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • flex:tldr:c3674 flex: Specify the output file.
    $ flex --outfile ${analyzer-c} ${analyzer-l}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview