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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool flow. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Flow is a static type checker for JavaScript, created by Facebook. It helps catch common programming errors by analyzing your code for type inconsistencies. It is designed to enhance static typing in JavaScript without the need to compile the code. Flow enables developers to add type annotations to their JavaScript code and detects potential errors by analyzing these annotations. It provides gradual typing, meaning you can gradually add type annotations to your codebase. Flow integrates easily with popular JavaScript tools like Babel and ESLint, allowing you to seamlessly incorporate it into your existing workflow. It offers advanced features such as support for union types, intersection types, generics, and more. Flow supports IDE integration, allowing you to have real-time feedback and inline error messages in your development environment. It is highly flexible and configurable, allowing you to adjust its behavior according to your specific project needs. Flow has an active open-source community, regularly releasing updates and improvements to enhance its functionality and usability.

List of commands for flow:

  • flow:tldr:cff54 flow: Run a flow check.
    $ flow
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  • flow:tldr:d289a flow: Check which files are being checked by flow.
    $ flow ls
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  • flow:tldr:f5c29 flow: Display line-by-line type coverage stats.
    $ flow coverage --color ${filename-jsx}
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  • flow:tldr:fd58c flow: Run a type coverage check on all files in a directory.
    $ flow batch-coverage --show-all --strip-root ${path-to-directory}
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tool overview