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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool flyctl. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Flyctl is a command line tool designed to simplify the deployment and management of applications on the platform. It allows developers to easily deploy their applications to a global network of servers with just a few commands.

Flyctl provides a range of functionalities, including application management, scaling, secrets management, and networking. With Flyctl, developers can easily create, update, and delete their applications using simple commands. They can also manage their application instances, view logs, and monitor performance metrics through the tool.

One of the key features of Flyctl is its autoscaling capability, which automatically adjusts the number of instances running based on the traffic and load. This helps ensure optimal performance and enables seamless handling of traffic spikes.

Moreover, Flyctl provides built-in secret management, allowing developers to securely store and manage sensitive information like API keys or database credentials. The tool also handles automatic certificate provisioning, making it easy to secure applications with HTTPS.

Flyctl supports various programming languages and frameworks, making it versatile for developers working with different technologies. It also integrates with popular CI/CD tools, enabling seamless deployment automation.

Additionally, Flyctl provides convenient networking capabilities, including edge networking and global load balancing. This ensures that applications are served from the nearest server to the end-users, reducing latency and improving user experience.

The command line tool is well-documented, with extensive documentation and examples available to guide developers through the various commands and features. Flyctl's community support is also active and responsive, providing help and assistance to developers when needed.

Overall, Flyctl simplifies the deployment and management process of applications on the platform, offering a wide range of features that streamline development workflows and enhance application performance.

List of commands for flyctl:

  • flyctl:tldr:0b522 flyctl: Deploy the Fly applications from a specific Dockerfile.
    $ flyctl deploy --dockerfile ${path-to-dockerfile}
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  • flyctl:tldr:3f9d8 flyctl: List all applications in the logged-in Fly account.
    $ flyctl apps list
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  • flyctl:tldr:b8997 flyctl: Launch an application from a specific Dockerfile (the default path is the current working directory).
    $ flyctl launch --dockerfile ${path-to-dockerfile}
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  • flyctl:tldr:ce653 flyctl: Show version information.
    $ flyctl version
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  • flyctl:tldr:d37a5 flyctl: Open the Fly Web UI for the current application in a web browser.
    $ flyctl dashboard
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  • flyctl:tldr:d81a7 flyctl: Sign into a Fly account.
    $ flyctl auth login
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  • flyctl:tldr:ec57c flyctl: Open the current deployed application in the default web browser.
    $ flyctl open
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  • flyctl:tldr:f6e40 flyctl: View the status of a specific running application.
    $ flyctl status --app ${app_name}
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tool overview