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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool fnm. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


fnm (Fast Node Manager) is a command line tool used to manage and switch between multiple versions of Node.js on your local machine. It provides a flexible and efficient way to work with different Node.js versions for various projects or testing purposes.

  1. With fnm, you can easily install, uninstall, and switch between Node.js versions by using simple commands.
  2. It supports multiple operating systems, including macOS, Linux, and Windows.
  3. fnm leverages binary distributions, making the installation process faster compared to other Node.js version managers.
  4. It works by downloading pre-compiled binaries for different Node.js versions, eliminating the need for compiling from source.
  5. fnm simplifies the management of global and project-specific Node.js versions.
  6. It allows you to set the version of Node.js per project, ensuring consistency across development teams.
  7. fnm integrates seamlessly with your shell, allowing you to switch between Node.js versions on the fly.
  8. It provides an easy-to-use CLI interface and supports common commands like install, uninstall, use, and list.
  9. fnm keeps your global packages consistent across different Node.js versions, avoiding conflicts or compatibility issues.
  10. It is an actively maintained open-source project, ensuring regular updates and bug fixes.

List of commands for fnm:

  • fnm:tldr:0c178 fnm: Install a specific version of Node.js.
    $ fnm install ${node_version}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • fnm:tldr:3edca fnm: Uninstall a given Node.js version.
    $ fnm uninstall ${node_version}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • fnm:tldr:5ddc7 fnm: Set the default Node.js version.
    $ fnm default ${node_version}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • fnm:tldr:93ba1 fnm: List all available Node.js versions and highlight the default one.
    $ fnm list
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • fnm:tldr:bdd9f fnm: Use a specific version of Node.js in the current shell.
    $ fnm use ${node_version}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview