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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool freshclam. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Freshclam is a command line tool used in the ClamAV antivirus software to update virus definitions and maintain its effectiveness against malware. It is commonly used on Linux systems but can also run on other operating systems. The primary function of freshclam is to connect to the ClamAV database servers and download the latest virus signatures and other security updates.

Freshclam can be executed manually or scheduled to run at regular intervals to ensure the antivirus signatures are always up to date. It utilizes HTTP or FTP protocols to retrieve the updates, allowing for flexibility in network configurations. The downloaded signatures are stored in a local database, which is accessed by the ClamAV scanner during the virus detection process.

To prevent abuse or excessive downloads, freshclam incorporates various features like traffic limiting, mirrors selection based on geolocation, and the ability to use proxy servers. It also supports the use of private mirrors, allowing organizations to host their own database servers.

In addition to updating virus definitions, freshclam can also download other security-related files, such as bytecode signatures or phishing databases. This ensures comprehensive protection against a wide range of threats.

Freshclam outputs detailed status information during the update process, including the version of the ClamAV engine, the update time, and the number of signatures and files processed. It also logs all activities, enabling system administrators to monitor the update process and troubleshoot any issues that may occur.

Overall, freshclam is a crucial component of ClamAV, ensuring the antivirus software remains effective and capable of detecting the latest malware threats, providing enhanced security for systems and networks.

List of commands for freshclam:

tool overview