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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool fswebcam. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Fswebcam is a command line tool used for capturing images from a webcam on Linux systems. It is a lightweight and straightforward tool that provides a simple way to take snapshots using the webcam connected to your computer.

  1. Fswebcam supports a wide range of webcams, making it compatible with various hardware.
  2. It utilizes Video4Linux2 (V4L2) API to communicate with the webcam and retrieve image data.
  3. The tool offers several options to adjust the image quality and resolution, allowing users to capture images according to their preferences.
  4. It can capture images in various file formats like JPEG, BMP, PNG, and others.
  5. Fswebcam allows users to specify the output file name and path for the captured image.
  6. It supports adding a timestamp to the captured images, which can be useful for documentation or time-sensitive purposes.
  7. Users can set a delay before capturing an image, enabling them to prepare or adjust the webcam position before the snapshot.
  8. With fswebcam, it is possible to capture multiple frames continuously, acquiring a sequence of images from the webcam.
  9. The tool can also fetch an image from a URL and save it locally using the provided options.
  10. Fswebcam requires minimal dependencies and can be easily installed and used in a terminal or as part of a script.

List of commands for fswebcam:

  • fswebcam:tldr:166d7 fswebcam: Take a picture with timestamp(timestamp string is formatted by strftime).
    $ fswebcam --timestamp ${timestamp} ${filename}
    try on your machine
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  • fswebcam:tldr:1d1b6 fswebcam: Take a picture from selected device(Default is `/dev/video0`).
    $ fswebcam -d ${device} ${filename}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • fswebcam:tldr:3746a fswebcam: Take a picture with custom resolution.
    $ fswebcam -r ${width}x${height} ${filename}
    try on your machine
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  • fswebcam:tldr:d7600 fswebcam: Take a picture.
    $ fswebcam ${filename}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview