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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool fzf. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Fzf is a powerful command-line fuzzy finder tool for Unix-like systems. It stands for "fuzzy finder" and is designed to help users quickly search and locate files, directories, and other resources from the command line.

One of the key features of fzf is its ability to provide interactive and fast search results, allowing users to narrow down their search query using fuzzy matching algorithms. Fzf presents a list of search results in a terminal UI, making it easy to select the desired item.

Fzf supports various modes, such as file search, directory search, and even command history search. It can easily integrate with existing command-line tools, making it highly customizable and adaptable. Additionally, it supports various keybindings and options to enhance the user's search experience.

The tool is written in Golang, which contributes to its performance and portability. It can be installed on multiple platforms, including Linux, macOS, and Windows.

Fzf also supports integration with other tools, such as Vim and Emacs, allowing users to quickly navigate and search within their file system while working in their preferred text editor.

With its efficient search capabilities and intuitive interface, fzf has gained popularity among command-line enthusiasts. It simplifies the process of finding and selecting files, directories, and other resources, greatly enhancing productivity for developers, system administrators, and power users.

Its open-source nature enables continuous development and improvement by the community. Users can contribute to its codebase, report issues, and suggest new features, making it a collaborative and community-driven tool.

Overall, fzf is a versatile and powerful command-line tool that facilitates fast and efficient searching and filtering of files and directories, helping users save time and streamline their workflow.

List of commands for fzf:

  • fzf:tldr:05f4a fzf: Start fzf with a specified query.
    $ fzf --query "${query}"
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  • fzf:tldr:b0e6e fzf: Start fzf on entries that not match pyc and match exactly travis.
    $ fzf --query "!pyc 'travis"
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  • fzf:tldr:ff4b8 fzf: Start fzf on entries that start with core and end with either go, rb, or py.
    $ fzf --query "^core go$ | rb$ | py$"
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