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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool gallery-dl. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Gallery-dl is a command-line tool used for downloading images, videos, and audio files from various online galleries or websites. It is designed to be efficient, fast, and highly customizable to suit specific download requirements.

  1. With gallery-dl, users can effortlessly download complete albums or galleries from popular websites such as Imgur, DeviantArt, Reddit, and many others.
  2. It supports downloading from numerous gallery platforms, allowing users to collect images, videos, or audio files without navigating through multiple pages manually.
  3. By utilizing command-line flags and options, users can customize the download process according to their preferences and requirements.
  4. Gallery-dl supports parallel downloads, allowing multiple files to be downloaded simultaneously to save time and improve efficiency.
  5. It provides comprehensive error handling capabilities, automatically retrying downloads in case of network interruptions or temporary server issues.
  6. The tool has the ability to log and display the progress of ongoing downloads, keeping users informed about the status of their downloads.
  7. Users can opt to download specific media types, choose the size or quality of the downloads, and apply filters to narrow down results.
  8. Gallery-dl supports authentication for websites that require login credentials, enabling users to access restricted or private galleries.
  9. It is a cross-platform tool, available for Windows, macOS, and Linux systems, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of operating systems.
  10. Gallery-dl is an open-source project, which means it is continually being improved and updated by a community of contributors, ensuring its reliability and support for new platforms.

List of commands for gallery-dl:

  • gallery-dl:tldr:3c1a0 gallery-dl: Download images from the specified URL.
    $ gallery-dl "${url}"
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  • gallery-dl:tldr:4dd31 gallery-dl: Get the direct URL of an image from a site supporting authentication with username and password.
    $ gallery-dl --get-urls --username ${username} --password ${password} "${url}"
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  • gallery-dl:tldr:778ba gallery-dl: Filter manga chapters by chapter number and language.
    $ gallery-dl --chapter-filter "${10 <= chapter < 20}" --option "lang=${language_code}" "${url}
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