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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool gdalbuildvrt. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


gdalbuildvrt is a command line tool in the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) toolkit. It stands for Geospatial Data Abstraction Library Virtual Dataset Builder. This tool is used to create Virtual Raster (.vrt) files, which are XML representations of a mosaic of other raster datasets. gdalbuildvrt allows you to generate a single VRT file that effectively stitches together multiple raster files of various formats and extents. It provides a convenient way to organize, manage, and analyze large amounts of raster data without merging the individual files into a single dataset. The resulting VRT file acts as a metadata container, containing references to the original raster datasets, their georeferencing information, and other attributes. By using this command line tool, you can easily create virtual mosaics of raster imagery, such as satellite imagery, aerial photographs, or digital elevation models. gdalbuildvrt offers options to control various aspects of the VRT creation process, such as resampling methods, pixel size, and nodata values. The created VRT files can be further used with other GDAL utilities and GIS software for visualization, analysis, or processing. This tool provides an efficient way to handle large-scale raster datasets by allowing you to access the individual files as a single dataset, without duplicating or modifying the original data. Overall, gdalbuildvrt is a versatile command line tool that simplifies the management and integration of multiple raster datasets into a cohesive virtual mosaic.

List of commands for gdalbuildvrt:

  • gdalbuildvrt:tldr:226c6 gdalbuildvrt: Make an RGB virtual mosaic from 3 single-band input files.
    $ gdalbuildvrt -separate ${path-to-rgb-vrt} ${path-to-red-tif} ${path-to-green-tif} ${path-to-blue-tif}
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  • gdalbuildvrt:tldr:3c760 gdalbuildvrt: Make a virtual mosaic from all TIFF files contained in a directory.
    $ gdalbuildvrt ${path-to-output-vrt} ${path-to-input_directory-*-tif}
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  • gdalbuildvrt:tldr:4bfaa gdalbuildvrt: Make a virtual mosaic from files whose name is specified in a text file.
    $ gdalbuildvrt -input_file_list ${path-to-list-txt} ${path-to-output-vrt}
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  • gdalbuildvrt:tldr:4e075 gdalbuildvrt: Make a virtual mosaic with blue background color (RGB: 0 0 255).
    $ gdalbuildvrt -hidenodata -vrtnodata "${0 0 255}" ${path-to-output-vrt} ${path-to-input_directory-*-tif}
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