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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool gdalwarp. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


gdalwarp is a powerful command line tool that is part of the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL). GDAL is a widely used open-source library used for reading, writing, and manipulating geospatial raster and vector data formats. gdalwarp specifically focuses on raster data and is used for warping and reprojecting geospatial datasets. The tool allows users to transform raster datasets from one coordinate reference system (CRS) to another, which is particularly useful when working with data that may have been collected in different projections or coordinate systems. gdalwarp supports a wide range of raster formats, including popular ones such as GeoTIFF, JPEG, and ASCII grid. It provides several options and functionalities, such as resampling methods, target resolution control, cutting to specified extents, and creating mosaic datasets. The tool can be used to clip a larger raster dataset based on a specified boundary or mask, extract a subset of a raster based on specific criteria, or merge multiple raster datasets into a single mosaic. gdalwarp uses various resampling methods like nearest neighbor, bilinear, cubic convolution, and average, depending on the user's preference or project requirements. Moreover, it supports multi-threading, enabling the tool to take advantage of multiple CPU cores for faster processing. gdalwarp is a flexible and versatile tool in the geospatial field, allowing users to manipulate raster datasets effectively with precision and accuracy.

List of commands for gdalwarp:

  • gdalwarp:tldr:0b083 gdalwarp: Crop a raster dataset using a vector layer.
    $ gdalwarp -cutline ${path-to-area_to_cut-geojson} -crop_to_cutline ${path-to-input-tif} ${path-to-output-tif}
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  • gdalwarp:tldr:59ae5 gdalwarp: Reproject a raster dataset.
    $ gdalwarp -t_srs ${EPSG:4326} ${path-to-input-tif} ${path-to-output-tif}
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  • gdalwarp:tldr:bff07 gdalwarp: Crop a raster dataset by using specific coordinates.
    $ gdalwarp -te ${min_x} ${min_y} ${max_x} ${max_y} -te_srs ${EPSG:4326} ${path-to-input-tif} ${path-to-output-tif}
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