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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool gdu. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


gdu is a command line tool that stands for "Go Disk Usage". It is used to quickly and efficiently analyze disk usage on a system.

With gdu, you can scan directories and drives, providing a visual representation of disk space usage. It presents the information in a hierarchical format, displaying the sizes of directories and files, making it easy to identify which ones are taking up the most space.

The tool offers a simple and intuitive interface, making it accessible to both novice and experienced users. It runs entirely in the command line without the need for a graphical user interface, making it lightweight and efficient.

gdu supports a range of customizable options, allowing users to filter results by file extension, exclude directories, or limit the depth of the scan, among other functionalities. It also includes support for interactive commands, enabling users to navigate through the file system and manage files directly from within the tool.

Additionally, gdu provides an interactive mode, which opens a visual interface within the terminal, allowing users to explore disk usage interactively while maintaining the convenient command line environment.

The tool has multi-platform support and can be installed on various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. It is written in Go, providing excellent performance and scalability.

Overall, gdu is a powerful tool for efficiently managing disk space in a command line environment, offering quick, customizable, and visually appealing disk usage analysis.

List of commands for gdu:

  • gdu:tldr:01a66 gdu: Interactively show the disk usage of all mounted disks.
    $ gdu --show-disks
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  • gdu:tldr:3502a gdu: Interactively show the disk usage of the current directory.
    $ gdu
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  • gdu:tldr:51811 gdu: Interactively show the disk usage of a given directory.
    $ gdu ${path-to-directory}
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  • gdu:tldr:66ac6 gdu: Do not show the progress in non-interactive mode (useful in scripts).
    $ gdu --no-progress ${path-to-directory}
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  • gdu:tldr:9faf1 gdu: Interactively show the disk usage of the current directory but ignore some sub-directories.
    $ gdu --ignore-dirs ${path-to-directory1,path-to-directory2,---}
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  • gdu:tldr:a8201 gdu: Ignore paths by regular expression.
    $ gdu --ignore-dirs-pattern '${-*[abc]+}'
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  • gdu:tldr:e8f73 gdu: Ignore hidden directories.
    $ gdu --no-hidden
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  • gdu:tldr:f2157 gdu: Only print the result, do not enter interactive mode.
    $ gdu --non-interactive ${path-to-directory}
    try on your machine
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tool overview