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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool genfstab. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Genfstab is a command line tool used in many Linux distributions to generate the /etc/fstab file. The /etc/fstab file is responsible for mounting file systems at system boot or on demand. This tool is used to automatically detect and generate entries for file systems in the /etc/fstab file, saving administrators from manually entering them.

The genfstab command can be executed with different options and arguments to customize the output. It provides options to include or exclude certain types of file systems from the generated fstab entries. Additionally, it allows for formatting options such as specifying labels, UUIDs, or device names to identify the file systems.

When run, genfstab scans all connected devices and creates a list of file systems it finds. It then generates the appropriate entries for each file system, including the mount point, file system type, options, and device information. This helps in automating the task of managing mount points and ensures proper mounting of file systems during boot.

The generated /etc/fstab file can then be used by the system to automatically mount the detected file systems at boot time. This eliminates the need for users to manually mount these file systems every time the system is restarted.

Genfstab offers an efficient and reliable way to manage file system mounts in Linux distributions. It simplifies the process of configuring file system mounts and ensures consistency across system reboots.

In addition to generating /etc/fstab entries for local disks, genfstab can also detect network file systems such as NFS or SMB/CIFS and include them in the generated fstab file. This allows administrators to easily configure remote file system mounts with the help of genfstab.

The genfstab utility is widely used and supported across various Linux distributions, making it an essential tool for system administrators or users who want to automate the process of mounting file systems.

The output generated by genfstab can also be piped to a file or directly appended to the /etc/fstab file, allowing for easy inclusion of the generated entries into the system configuration.

Overall, genfstab is a versatile and efficient command line tool that simplifies the management of file system mounts in Linux distributions, automating the process and ensuring consistent mounting of file systems.

List of commands for genfstab:

  • genfstab:tldr:476f9 genfstab: A usual way to generate an fstab file, requires root permissions.
    $ genfstab -U ${-mnt} >> ${-mnt-etc-fstab}
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  • genfstab:tldr:4ef6f genfstab: Display an fstab compatible output based on a volume UUID.
    $ genfstab -U ${path-to-mount_point}
    try on your machine
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  • genfstab:tldr:829ad genfstab: Append a volume into an fstab file to mount it automatically.
    $ genfstab -U ${path-to-mount_point} | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
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  • genfstab:tldr:b8417 genfstab: Display an fstab compatible output based on a volume label.
    $ genfstab -L ${path-to-mount_point}
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tool overview