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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool getcap. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Getcap is a command line tool used in Linux systems to display and manipulate capabilities of executable files. Capabilities are specific privileges granted to executable files to perform certain tasks without the need for full root access. The tool follows the format "getcap ".

When executed without any arguments, getcap displays capabilities of all files in a specified folder or the current directory. With the -r flag, it recursively scans the specified folder and its subfolders.

Getcap also provides information about the file format, capability sets, and file path. It shows capabilities in a human-readable form and lists the capabilities assigned to each file in a well-structured format.

Using the -v flag, getcap displays verbose output, including file timestamps and detailed information about each capability. This can be useful for troubleshooting or auditing purposes.

Additionally, getcap can set or modify capabilities on files using the -r or --retain flag. This allows users to assign or revoke capabilities from files, granting or restricting their privileges as needed.

The tool can be used by system administrators and developers to manage file capabilities, ensuring that executable files have the necessary privileges to perform specific tasks while minimizing the level of access granted. It helps enhance the security and permissions management of Linux systems.

Getcap is part of the libcap-ng-utils package and requires appropriate permissions to run. It is typically found in Linux distributions, such as Ubuntu, CentOS, and Fedora, among others.

Overall, getcap is a powerful command line tool for managing capabilities of executable files in Linux, providing users with control over permissions and enhancing system security.

List of commands for getcap:

  • getcap:tldr:3a0bc getcap: Displays all searched entries even if no capabilities are set.
    $ getcap -v ${filename1 filename2 ---}
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  • getcap:tldr:85dfc getcap: Get capabilities for all the files recursively under the given directories.
    $ getcap -r ${path-to-directory1 path-to-directory2 ---}
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  • getcap:tldr:a0aec getcap: Get capabilities for the given files.
    $ getcap ${filename1 filename2 ---}
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