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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool github-label-sync. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The github-label-sync is a command line tool that allows you to synchronize labels across multiple GitHub repositories. It is particularly useful when you have multiple repositories related to a project and you want to ensure consistent label names, colors, and descriptions across all of them.

With github-label-sync, you can define a set of labels in a configuration file and then use the tool to apply those labels to one or more repositories. It works by comparing the labels defined in the configuration file with the existing labels in the target repositories and making the necessary modifications to ensure they match.

This tool is beneficial for maintaining consistency and organization in your repositories, especially when collaborating with a team or managing multiple projects. Rather than manually creating or updating labels in each repository, github-label-sync provides an automated and efficient way to synchronize labels across all of them.

It's worth noting that github-label-sync requires authentication with a personal access token to access and update the labels in your repositories. Additionally, it supports both private and public repositories, allowing you to sync labels in all types of GitHub projects.

Github-label-sync is an open-source tool, and you can find the source code and detailed documentation on GitHub if you wish to learn more or contribute to its development.

List of commands for github-label-sync:

  • github-label-sync:tldr:2c5f0 github-label-sync: Synchronize using the `GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN` environment variable.
    $ github-label-sync ${repository_name}
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  • github-label-sync:tldr:7a5f8 github-label-sync: Keep labels that aren't in `labels.json`.
    $ github-label-sync --access-token ${token} --allow-added-labels ${repository_name}
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  • github-label-sync:tldr:9bb18 github-label-sync: Perform a dry run instead of actually synchronizing labels.
    $ github-label-sync --access-token ${token} --dry-run ${repository_name}
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  • github-label-sync:tldr:b0662 github-label-sync: Synchronize labels using a local `labels.json` file.
    $ github-label-sync --access-token ${token} ${repository_name}
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  • github-label-sync:tldr:d9f6d github-label-sync: Synchronize labels using a specific labels JSON file.
    $ github-label-sync --access-token ${token} --labels ${select} ${repository_name}
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