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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool gitwatch. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Gitwatch is a command line tool that allows you to automatically update (or watch) a Git repository and perform custom actions whenever changes are made to the repository. It monitors the repository for any new commits and can trigger a specified command whenever new changes are detected.

Some key features of gitwatch include:

  1. Continuous monitoring: Gitwatch constantly runs in the background, automatically updating and checking for new changes in the repository.
  2. Custom actions: You can define custom actions to be executed whenever new changes are detected. This can include running build scripts, running tests, sending notifications, or any other command you want to be executed upon changes.
  3. Flexible configuration: Gitwatch provides several configuration options that allow you to fine-tune how it behaves. You can specify the target repository, the branch to monitor, the interval at which it checks for updates, and the command to execute upon changes.
  4. Git integration: Gitwatch seamlessly integrates with Git and utilizes Git commands for monitoring and updating the repository.

Gitwatch is a handy tool for automating various tasks related to Git repositories. It can be especially useful for development workflows, where you want to trigger certain actions automatically whenever new changes are made to your codebase.

List of commands for gitwatch:

  • gitwatch:tldr:316ba gitwatch: Automatically commit any changes made to a file or directory.
    $ gitwatch ${filename_or_directory}
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  • gitwatch:tldr:43581 gitwatch: Automatically commit changes and push them to a remote repository.
    $ gitwatch -r ${remote_name} ${filename_or_directory}
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  • gitwatch:tldr:f9ba0 gitwatch: Automatically commit changes and push them to a specific branch of a remote repository.
    $ gitwatch -r ${remote_name} -b ${branch_name} ${filename_or_directory}
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