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tool overview
On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool gixy. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Gixy is a command-line tool that is used to scan and analyze Nginx configuration files for security misconfigurations and vulnerabilities. It is specifically designed to identify common security issues in Nginx configurations that could potentially lead to security breaches or performance problems.

Gixy works by parsing the Nginx configuration files and analyzing them against a set of predefined rules. It detects various security issues such as insecure SSL/TLS configurations, improper access controls, potential information leakages, insecure header configurations, and more.

The tool provides detailed reports highlighting the identified security issues along with recommendations on how to fix them. It can be used both in development and production environments to ensure that Nginx configurations are secure and optimized.

Gixy is lightweight, fast, and easy to use. It is written in Lua and supports both Nginx configuration file formats (plain text and binary). Additionally, it integrates well with other security tools and can be easily incorporated into automated testing and deployment pipelines.

Overall, Gixy is a valuable tool for Nginx administrators and developers to assess the security posture of their Nginx configurations and take necessary measures to mitigate potential vulnerabilities.

List of commands for gixy:

  • gixy:tldr:0053d gixy: Analyze nginx configuration files on the specific path.
    $ gixy ${path-to-configuration_file_1} ${path-to-configuration_file_2}
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  • gixy:tldr:03e4a gixy: Analyze nginx configuration with the specific severity level.
    $ gixy ${select}
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  • gixy:tldr:6c8a2 gixy: Analyze nginx configuration (default path: `/etc/nginx/nginx.conf`).
    $ gixy
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  • gixy:tldr:98e55 gixy: Analyze nginx configuration but skip specific tests.
    $ gixy --skips ${http_splitting}
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tool overview