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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool gnome-screenshot. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


gnome-screenshot is a command line tool used in the GNOME desktop environment to capture screenshots. It is a part of the GNOME screenshot utility package that provides easy and convenient ways to capture and save images of the desktop.

Using gnome-screenshot, you can capture screenshots of the entire desktop, a specific window, or a selected area. The tool also allows you to delay the screenshot capture, useful for capturing menus or animations.

It supports various file formats for saving the screenshots, including PNG, JPEG, and BMP. By default, the captured screenshots are saved in the Pictures directory.

gnome-screenshot offers several options and arguments that enhance its functionality. For instance, you can specify a custom output file name, enable/disable the mouse pointer in the screenshot, or include/exclude window decorations.

The tool can be executed from the command line or binded to keyboard shortcuts. Additionally, gnome-screenshot provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for capturing screenshots, accessible through the GNOME application menu.

You can also use gnome-screenshot to capture screenshots in a non-interactive mode, which is useful for scripting or automation purposes.

gnome-screenshot is a versatile and convenient tool for capturing screenshots within the GNOME desktop environment. It offers a variety of options and allows users to easily capture, save, and share screenshots.

List of commands for gnome-screenshot:

  • gnome-screenshot:tldr:00a34 gnome-screenshot: Take a screenshot after the specified number of seconds and save it to the clipboard.
    $ gnome-screenshot --delay ${10} --clipboard
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  • gnome-screenshot:tldr:15e4a gnome-screenshot: Take a screenshot and save it to the named file location.
    $ gnome-screenshot --file ${filename}
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  • gnome-screenshot:tldr:4c921 gnome-screenshot: Take a screenshot and save it to the default location, normally `~/Pictures`.
    $ gnome-screenshot
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  • gnome-screenshot:tldr:78a0b gnome-screenshot: Take a screenshot after the specified number of seconds.
    $ gnome-screenshot --delay ${5}
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  • gnome-screenshot:tldr:7af1f gnome-screenshot: Launch the GNOME Screenshot GUI.
    $ gnome-screenshot --interactive
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  • gnome-screenshot:tldr:aa26e gnome-screenshot: Display the version.
    $ gnome-screenshot --version
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  • gnome-screenshot:tldr:e65ba gnome-screenshot: Take a screenshot of the current window and save it to the specified file location.
    $ gnome-screenshot --window --file ${filename}
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  • gnome-screenshot:tldr:faa8d gnome-screenshot: Take a screenshot and save it to the clipboard.
    $ gnome-screenshot --clipboard
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