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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool gocryptfs. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Gocryptfs is an open-source command line tool that allows you to create a virtual encrypted file system (VFS) on your computer. It provides transparent encryption for individual files or directories, ensuring their privacy and confidentiality. Here are a few key points about gocryptfs:

  1. Encryption: Gocryptfs uses AES-256 in the counter mode (CTR) for file encryption. It ensures that your data remains secure even if someone gains unauthorized access to the encrypted files.

  2. Filesystem Integration: Once the encrypted VFS is created, gocryptfs seamlessly integrates it into your file system. It appears as a regular directory where you can store and access files like any other.

  3. Password-based Encryption: Gocryptfs uses a master key for encryption, which is derived from a user-supplied password. You only need to remember the password to mount and access the encrypted files.

  4. Mounting and Unmounting: You can mount and unmount the encrypted VFS using simple command line options. Once mounted, the encrypted directory becomes accessible, and any changes made to files within it will be automatically encrypted.

  5. Safe Storage Format: Gocryptfs ensures that encrypted files have a safe storage format. It provides forward compatibility, so you can easily upgrade gocryptfs versions without re-encrypting your files.

  6. Ease of Use: Gocryptfs aims to be user-friendly with a simple command line interface. It supports features like filesystem recovery, sparse files, and inode caching to enhance performance and convenience.

  7. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Gocryptfs is compatible with various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, FreeBSD, and Windows (via the WinFsp extension).

  8. Collaboration Support: Gocryptfs enables collaborative encryption, where multiple users can share and access the same encrypted directory by securely sharing and managing the master key.

As with any encryption tool, it is important to choose a strong password and take necessary precautions to protect your data's security.

List of commands for gocryptfs:

  • gocryptfs:tldr:325d3 gocryptfs: Initialize an encrypted filesystem.
    $ gocryptfs -init ${path-to-cipher_dir}
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  • gocryptfs:tldr:887cf gocryptfs: Mount with the explicit master key instead of password.
    $ gocryptfs --masterkey ${path-to-cipher_dir} ${path-to-mount_point}
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  • gocryptfs:tldr:ae371 gocryptfs: Mount an encrypted filesystem.
    $ gocryptfs ${path-to-cipher_dir} ${path-to-mount_point}
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  • gocryptfs:tldr:df099 gocryptfs: Make an encrypted snapshot of a plain directory.
    $ gocryptfs --reverse ${path-to-plain_dir} ${path-to-cipher_dir}
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  • gocryptfs:tldr:f33da gocryptfs: Change the password.
    $ gocryptfs --passwd ${path-to-cipher_dir}
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