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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool goreload. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Goreload is a command line tool used for automatically rebuilding and reloading a Go application whenever changes are detected in the code. It speeds up the development process by eliminating the need for manual rebuilding and restarting of the application.

Using goreload is quite simple. After installing it, you can navigate to the directory containing your Go project and run the goreload command. Goreload will then monitor the files in the project directory and its subdirectories for any changes. Whenever a change is detected, it will automatically rebuild the application and reload it, making the changes instantly visible.

One of the key advantages of goreload is its ability to rebuild only the modified parts of the application, instead of recompiling the entire codebase. This significantly reduces the rebuild time and allows for faster feedback during development.

Goreload also supports watching specific file types or directories, allowing you to focus on specific parts of your project that you are actively working on.

Overall, goreload is a convenient tool for Go developers that streamlines the development workflow by automating the process of rebuilding and reloading their applications whenever code changes occur.

List of commands for goreload:

  • goreload:tldr:0eef0 goreload: Set the name of the binary file to watch (defaults to `.goreload`).
    $ goreload -b ${path-to-binary} ${filename}.go
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  • goreload:tldr:c2478 goreload: Reload whenever any file changes.
    $ goreload --all
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  • goreload:tldr:c6fa9 goreload: Set a custom log prefix (defaults to `goreload`).
    $ goreload --logPrefix ${prefix} ${filename}.go
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tool overview