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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool gpg-zip. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


gpg-zip is a command line tool that is used to encrypt and compress files or directories using GnuPG (GNU Privacy Guard). GnuPG is a popular open-source encryption software that helps secure files and communication by using public-key cryptography.

With gpg-zip, you can conveniently encrypt multiple files or directories with a single command. It creates an encrypted archive that includes the input files or directories and compresses them to reduce their size. The output archive can only be decrypted by the intended recipient who possesses the corresponding private key.

The tool allows you to specify various options, such as the recipient's key ID or email address, the encryption algorithm, compression level, and more. It provides a simple and efficient way to protect sensitive data during storage or transfer.

To use gpg-zip, you need to have GnuPG installed on your system. It is commonly available on Linux distributions and can also be installed on Windows and macOS. The tool is typically executed through the command line interface, allowing for automation and integration with other scripts or workflows.

Overall, gpg-zip is a useful command line tool that combines encryption and compression to securely package files or directories for storage or transmission.

List of commands for gpg-zip:

  • gpg-zip:tldr:da221 gpg-zip: Encrypt a directory into `archive.gpg` using a passphrase.
    $ gpg-zip --symmetric --output ${archive-gpg} ${path-to-directory}
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  • gpg-zip:tldr:e3465 gpg-zip: Decrypt `archive.gpg` into a directory of the same name.
    $ gpg-zip --decrypt ${path-to-archive-gpg}
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  • gpg-zip:tldr:eafa6 gpg-zip: List the contents of the encrypted `archive.gpg`.
    $ gpg-zip --list-archive ${path-to-archive-gpg}
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