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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool gpg2. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Gpg2 is a command line tool used for encrypting and decrypting files, as well as managing encryption keys in Linux. It is an improved version of Gpg (GNU Privacy Guard) and offers enhanced security features. Gpg2 uses the OpenPGP standard for encryption and digital signatures. It supports various encryption algorithms like RSA, DSA, and AES. Apart from file encryption, it also allows encrypting and signing emails and text messages. Gpg2 provides key management functionalities such as generating new keys, importing/exporting keys, and revoking keys. It offers a user-friendly interface for interacting with keys and managing trust relationships. The tool provides options for advanced encryption settings such as setting expiration dates for keys and creating key pairs with multiple subkeys. Gpg2 can be integrated with email clients and other applications for seamless encryption and decryption operations. With its strong encryption capabilities and widespread usage, Gpg2 is a popular choice for secure communication and file handling in the command line.

List of commands for gpg2:

  • gpg2:tldr:07179 gpg2: Decrypt a specified file, writing the result to the standard output.
    $ gpg2 --decrypt ${path-to-doc-txt-gpg}
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  • gpg2:tldr:1043e gpg2: List imported keys.
    $ gpg2 --list-keys
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  • gpg2:tldr:559db gpg2: Export the private key with a specified email address to the standard output.
    $ gpg2 --export-secret-keys --armor ${alice@example-com}
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  • gpg2:tldr:6015c gpg2: Encrypt a specified file with only a passphrase, writing the output to a new file with `.gpg` appended.
    $ gpg2 --symmetric ${path-to-doc-txt}
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  • gpg2:tldr:b96e2 gpg2: Export the public key of a specified email address to the standard output.
    $ gpg2 --export --armor ${alice@example-com}
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  • gpg2:tldr:dbe3f gpg2: Encrypt a specified file for a specified recipient, writing the output to a new file with `.gpg` appended.
    $ gpg2 --encrypt --recipient ${alice@example-com} ${path-to-doc-txt}
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  • gpg2:tldr:f6b53 gpg2: Import a public key.
    $ gpg2 --import ${path-to-public_key-gpg}
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