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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool grafana-cli. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Grafana-cli is a powerful command line tool that is used for managing and interacting with Grafana, a popular open-source analytics and monitoring platform.

  1. It is designed to facilitate the installation, configuration, and management of Grafana plugins and data sources.
  2. Grafana-cli can be used to install, uninstall, and upgrade plugins directly from the command line, making it convenient and efficient.
  3. It supports different plugin sources, such as the official Grafana plugins repository and other community-driven sources.
  4. With the help of the tool, administrators can easily manage and update plugins without the need for manual intervention.
  5. Grafana-cli also allows the installation and setup of data sources, which are crucial for fetching and displaying metric data in Grafana dashboards.
  6. It supports a wide range of data sources, including popular options like Prometheus, InfluxDB, Graphite, Elasticsearch, and more.
  7. The tool simplifies the configuration process, allowing users to set up data sources by specifying the necessary parameters through the command line.
  8. Grafana-cli provides the ability to search and discover available plugins and data sources, providing a seamless user experience.
  9. It offers useful commands for listing installed plugins, checking for updates, and managing plugin dependencies.
  10. Grafana-cli plays a vital role in automating administrative tasks and streamlining the deployment and management of Grafana instances.

List of commands for grafana-cli:

  • grafana-cli:tldr:368ea grafana-cli: Install, update, or remove specific plugins.
    $ grafana-cli plugins ${select} ${plugin_id1 plugin_id2 ---}
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  • grafana-cli:tldr:a7da7 grafana-cli: List all installed plugins.
    $ grafana-cli plugins ls
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