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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool grant. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


"grant" is a command line tool that is used to manage user privileges and access control in a system. It is often used in Unix-like operating systems to grant or revoke privileges from users or groups.

With "grant," administrators can specify the level of access or permissions that a particular user or group should have within the system. This includes managing read, write, and execute rights for files and directories, as well as controlling administrative privileges.

The tool uses a syntax that allows administrators to easily define permissions based on users, groups, or combinations of both. It also supports wildcard characters for more flexible permissions management.

"grant" maintains a set of access control lists (ACLs) that record the permissions assigned to each user or group. These ACLs are stored in the file system and are used by the operating system to enforce access control.

The tool provides various options to grant or revoke privileges, such as the ability to recursively apply permissions to subdirectories and files. It also supports inheritance of permissions, where subdirectories inherit permissions from parent directories.

Administrators can use "grant" to view and modify existing ACLs, allowing for easy management and quick updates to user privileges as needed.

"grant" is typically used by system administrators and power users who need fine-grained control over access to resources in the system.

It is important to note that the exact usage and capabilities of "grant" may vary depending on the specific operating system and version being used.

Overall, "grant" is a powerful and flexible command line tool that enables administrators to effectively manage user privileges and access control, enhancing security and control over the system.

List of commands for grant:

  • odps-auth:tldr:45cde odps-auth: Grant a set of authorities to a user.
    $ grant ${action_list} on ${object_type} ${object_name} to user ${username};
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • odps-auth:tldr:62a9e odps-auth: Grant a set of authorities to a role.
    $ grant ${action_list} on ${object_type} ${object_name} to role ${role_name};
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • odps-auth:tldr:9ac67 odps-auth: Grant a role to a user.
    $ grant ${role_name} to ${username};
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview