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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool groupdel. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command "groupdel" is a command line tool used in Linux and Unix systems. It is primarily used to delete a user group from the system.

To use "groupdel," you need administrative privileges or the root user password. It is commonly used by system administrators to manage user accounts and group memberships.

The "groupdel" command takes the name of the user group as an argument and removes the group from the system.

When removing a group, all group memberships associated with that group are also deleted. This ensures that users are no longer part of the deleted group.

The command can be executed in the terminal by typing "groupdel" followed by the group name. For example, "groupdel mygroup" will remove the group named "mygroup."

The "groupdel" command modifies system files such as "/etc/group" to reflect the changes. These files store the group information, including the group name, GID (Group ID), and member usernames.

If the specified group does not exist, the command will display an error message. Similarly, if the command execution fails due to insufficient privileges, an error will be shown.

Deleting a group does not affect any files owned by the group. It only removes the association between users and the group.

It is important to note that deleting a group without proper understanding or consideration may cause unintended consequences, such as breaking system functionality or rendering certain applications unusable.

To remove a group, it is recommended to first check its memberships, verify its significance, and ensure it is no longer needed before executing the "groupdel" command.

List of commands for groupdel:

tool overview