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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool groupmod. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


groupmod is a command-line tool used in Unix-like operating systems to manage user groups. It allows the system administrator to modify various attributes of existing groups. When executed with appropriate options and arguments, groupmod can rename a group, change the group ID (GID), modify the group name or password, or alter various other group properties.

The tool primarily relies on the /etc/group file, which stores information about all existing groups on the system. It offers a simple and efficient way to administer groups without directly editing this file.

To utilize groupmod, the user needs to have root privileges or be authorized by sudo. This ensures that only authorized users can make modifications to the group settings.

One of the most commonly used options for groupmod is "-g", which sets the new GID for the group. Another option is "-n" to change the group name.

Groupmod also supports options like "-o" to allow duplicate GIDs, "-p" to change the group's encrypted password, and "-R" to specify the root directory for the affected group.

Additionally, groupmod displays error messages if any issues arise during the modification process, such as an invalid GID or a non-existing group.

It is important to note that groupmod only modifies existing groups and does not create new ones. To create a new group, the administrator should use the groupadd command.

Overall, groupmod provides a secure and efficient way to manage user group properties without the need to manually edit system files, ensuring proper organization and access control within the Unix system.

List of commands for groupmod:

  • groupmod:tldr:59b0d groupmod: Change the group id.
    $ sudo groupmod --gid ${new_id} ${group_name}
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  • groupmod:tldr:68fa9 groupmod: Change the group name.
    $ sudo groupmod --new-name ${new_group} ${group_name}
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