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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool groups. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "groups" command is a command line tool found in Unix-like operating systems. When executed, it displays the groups that a user belongs to. This command is useful for system administrators, as it allows them to quickly check a user's group memberships.

When the "groups" command is executed without any arguments, it displays the groups that the current user is a member of. It does this by reading the /etc/group file and the user's supplementary group database.

The output of the "groups" command is a list of group names separated by spaces. The groups are displayed in alphabetical order.

The "groups" command can also be used to display the group memberships of a specific user. This is done by providing the username as an argument to the command.

The user running the "groups" command needs to have the necessary permissions to access the system's group databases. Without the required permissions, the command will not display any output.

The "groups" command is often used in conjunction with other commands and utilities to perform administrative tasks, such as granting or revoking user privileges, setting file permissions, or managing access control.

By using the "-a" option with the "groups" command, it displays all the groups on the system, regardless of whether the current user is a member of them.

The "-g" option can be used to display only the primary group of a user.

The "-n" option can be used to display the GID (group ID) numbers instead of the group names.

Overall, the "groups" command provides a simple and efficient way to view group memberships and is a handy tool for managing user permissions and access control in Unix-like systems.

List of commands for groups:

  • groups:tldr:1471e groups: Print group memberships for the current user.
    $ groups
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • groups:tldr:9b915 groups: Print group memberships for a list of users.
    $ groups ${username1 username2 ---}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview