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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool gt. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


gt is a command line tool used for managing and manipulating Git repositories. It provides a simplified interface for common Git commands and tasks. Here are 10 key points about gt:

  1. gt aims to make working with Git repositories more efficient and user-friendly by simplifying complex commands.
  2. It provides a set of useful shortcuts that allow users to perform common tasks with fewer keystrokes.
  3. The tool allows for quick and easy creation of new branches using the gt branch command, followed by the branch name.
  4. With gt switch, users can smoothly switch between existing branches without having to remember complex checkout commands.
  5. The gt status command is used to display the current status of the repository, showing modified files, untracked files, branch information, and more.
  6. Users can easily stage changes to be committed using gt stage, followed by the filenames or patterns of the files to be staged.
  7. The command gt unstage can be used to unstage changes that have been previously staged.
  8. Merging branches becomes more intuitive with gt merge, which creates a new merge commit combining the changes from the specified branch with the current branch.
  9. gt log shows the commit history in a concise and readable format, including commit messages, authors, and commit dates.
  10. Users can push and pull changes to/from remote repositories using gt push and gt pull, respectively, making collaboration with others straightforward.

Overall, gt aims to simplify and streamline the interaction with Git repositories, providing a more user-friendly experience for developers.

List of commands for gt:

  • graphite:warp:3b350 Graphite - Synchronize with remote
    $ gt rs -r
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  • graphite:warp:47309 Graphite - Edit the branches
    $ gt downstack edit
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  • graphite:warp:52737 Graphite - Pushes (force) the current branch to GitHub
    $ gt branch submit
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  • graphite:warp:54326 Graphite - Restacks the current branch to its parent
    $ gt branch restack
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  • graphite:warp:5711e Graphite - Create a branch with an accompanying commit message
    $ gt bc -am ${commit_message}
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  • graphite:warp:63fbd Graphite - Get downstack from remote
    $ gt downstack get ${branch_name}
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  • graphite:warp:70727 Graphite - Recursively track parent branches
    $ gt downstack track
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  • graphite:warp:8d858 Graphite - Troubleshoot the Graphite CLI
    $ gt repo init --reset && gt dev cache --clear
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  • graphite:warp:aa869 Graphite - Push the parent branches to GitHub
    $ gt downstack submit
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  • graphite:warp:b17e5 Graphite - Run a command on every branch within a stack
    $ gt downstack test
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  • graphite:warp:c012b Graphite - Checkout a branch
    $ gt bco ${branch_name}
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  • graphite:warp:e61de Graphite - Rebase the parent branches
    $ gt downstack restack
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  • gt:tldr:54edb gt: Create a new branch stacked on top of the current branch and commit staged changes.
    $ gt branch create ${branch_name}
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  • gt:tldr:6602c gt: Initialise `gt` for the repository in the current directory.
    $ gt repo init
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  • gt:tldr:ad121 gt: Log all tracked stacks.
    $ gt log short
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  • gt:tldr:b004c gt: Force push all branches in the current stack to GitHub and create or update PRs.
    $ gt stack submit
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  • gt:tldr:b1524 gt: Create a new commit and fix upstack branches.
    $ gt commit create -m ${commit_message}
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  • gt:tldr:b4928 gt: Print help for a specified subcommand.
    $ gt ${subcommand} --help
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  • gt:tldr:bd57b gt: Authenticate the CLI with Graphite's API.
    $ gt auth --token ${graphite_cli_auth_token}
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tool overview